Your privacy and Secrecies, it is our utmost priority. Green vision overseas is sister concern of Digital group. Our Digital Group always here to secure all your data with protection, learns more about how we process your personal Data,
This is our website you entered, it is operated by Digital Group only, the Digital Group it is Just Group of companies, we are committed to protecting your personal privacies and Privacy policy outlines the types of information that are received by Digital Group only on its web sites, and how we use and protect it, This policies also explains the choices that you can make about the way your Personal Info is collected and used, This Policy applies only to Digital Group web sites, and it does not apply to Berners or posters, sweepstakes and other advertisements or promotions materials/matters, that we may sponsor or participate in on web sites owned by third parties or any other parries.
Your privacy and Secrecies, it is our utmost priority. Green vision overseas is sister concern of Digital group. Our Digital Group always here to secure all your data with protection, learns more about how we process your personal Data,
This is our website you entered, it is operated by Digital Group only, the Digital Group it is Just Group of companies, we are committed to protecting your personal privacies and Privacy policy outlines the types of information that are received by Digital Group only on its web sites, and how we use and protect it, This policies also explains the choices that you can make about the way your Personal Info is collected and used, This Policy applies only to Digital Group web sites, and it does not apply to Berners or posters, sweepstakes and other advertisements or promotions materials/matters, that we may sponsor or participate in on web sites owned by third parties or any other parries.